Month: February 2025

Flipping for Money

Today we are going to discuss “Flipping” and no, not the slang alternative term for fucking. We are going to talk about flipping as a business opportunity or a cool side hustle. You can flip almost anything so put your thinking cap on and get creative! What is Flipping? Flipping is when you buy something and […]

It Takes Money to Make Money

I wrote this back in 2019, and I am still out here fighting the good fight!  Once upon a time, years ago at this point, I was selling insurance. I worked HARD on a very limited budget to bring in clients and make some of my investment back from getting licensed, background checks, fingerprints, and […]

Start a Food Truck

Food, everyone loves it, everyone needs it. There will never be a low demand for food as long as animals (including humans) exist. Starting a Food Truck seems like a no-brainer business idea when we put it that way, right? Well, there are some things you should think about before jumping head-first into this business […]

Multi Level Marketing

Holy Mamma, today I learned that not everyone knows what an MLM is or how it works! If you haven’t noticed by now I am hardcore anti-mlm, but what made me see the light on this pyramid-shaped “business”? What is Multi Level Marketing (MLM) An MLM is any business model with multiple levels of people […]