Category: Resources

Why this is the perfect time to start a business

YouTube Video of this post Eggs are $15 a dozen in some places, the stock market is burning as it plummets and economists are calling for another depression and I’m over here telling you to start a business. What?! Ok let’s back this baby up a little bit, I’m not telling EVERYONE to start a […]

It Takes Money to Make Money

I wrote this back in 2019, and I am still out here fighting the good fight!  Once upon a time, years ago at this point, I was selling insurance. I worked HARD on a very limited budget to bring in clients and make some of my investment back from getting licensed, background checks, fingerprints, and […]

The Government wants their money

Growing up, my father used to tell me there were only two things in life that you have to do: pay taxes and die. He had a point. As an adult living in the USA, I dread the April 15th deadline to make sure my taxes are done and sent to the IRS. Most people will have […]