Category: Hustles

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs can be a great side hustle if you are patient! Like any other opportunity, it will take some time and creativity to see the sales come in. The best thing about affiliate marketing is that it is free to start, and there are so many programs and niches to choose from, you will always be […]

Flipping for Money

Today we are going to discuss “Flipping” and no, not the slang alternative term for fucking. We are going to talk about flipping as a business opportunity or a cool side hustle. You can flip almost anything so put your thinking cap on and get creative! What is Flipping? Flipping is when you buy something and […]

Start a Food Truck

Food, everyone loves it, everyone needs it. There will never be a low demand for food as long as animals (including humans) exist. Starting a Food Truck seems like a no-brainer business idea when we put it that way, right? Well, there are some things you should think about before jumping head-first into this business […]

Is Dropshipping worth it?

Today we are going down the rabbit hole known as dropshipping. The YouTube videos and marketing materials make it all look so easy, but how easy is it to make money? Grab your headgear and your water bottles kids because we are diving in! What is dropshipping and how does it work? The first question on […]

Work From Home in Customer Service

Have you, or do you work in customer service? Retail, Service industry, Call center, etc?  We want your stories for a side project. Please send over your funny, scary, disgusting stories about working with the public. All names will be changed or redacted to protect your privacy. Fill out the Google Form at this link […]