
Start a Food Truck

Food, everyone loves it, everyone needs it. There will never be a low demand for food as long as animals (including humans) exist. Starting a Food Truck seems like a no-brainer business idea when we put it that way, right? Well, there are some things you should think about before jumping head-first into this business idea.

I have zero experience in this type of business, so I hopped over to the US Chamber of Commerce to get an idea of what is entailed so I could summarize the basics for you. Rember our favorite word on this blog, no not the f-bomb! “Research“.

Make sure you research everything and have a very thorough understanding of what you are getting yourself into before leaping. You should not treat this business as a side hustle, it’s a business that will take time and money to build, do it right!

How much does it take to start a food truck?

In terms of cash, you are looking at least 55k. Mind you, this figure from the US Chamber of Commerce was in 2021, it is currently 2025 as of this writing. Inflation has skyrocketed.

Webstaruant Store gives a much higher figure in 2024 “The average cost to start a food truck can be anywhere between $70,000 to $130,000. Depending on legal fees, customization, state, and niche, a food truck owner can end up paying as little as $10,000 for their business or as much as $250,000. There are several variables that can impact your cost at the end of the day”.

The US Chamber of Commerce gives us these steps to get up and running.

  • Identify Funding Sources
  • Write your business plan
  • Apply for permits
  • Purchase your truck

I would write out the business plan first. This gives you a clear idea of everything involved, how much funding you need, and how far you want to take the business. How much you want to work and if you want to hire help. The last thing *I*  want to see is you flail around like a fish out of water because you have a dream without a plan of actionable steps.

Funding can come from a variety of sources, your bank, a vehicle loan, or even the Small Business Administration. For your permits, check with your local and state laws. This may be as easy as applying online.  And then there is your truck, you can purchase a truck used or brand new. Make sure everything works, but more importantly, make sure it is up to code so you don’t blow up as soon as you turn on the grill.

There you have it kids, My oversimplification steps to starting a Food Truck. If this idea resonates with you, get researching and start cooking!

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